insect-powered ecosystems


About Phoenix Foods

Phoenix Foods is founded with the mission to create a positive impact on the environment. We implement entomoculture to reduce and process all types of organic waste and reintroduce it into the value chain.

We use detritivorous organisms to generate high quality proteins, oils and organic fertilizers that respect our environment. Entomoculture is a form of intensive livestock farming that requires very little water and space, especially compared to other types of farming. In addition, waste is minimal and it is sanitary safe.

In this way, not only do we manage to reuse and reduce waste, but we also avoid transporting it for disposal, providing a local response to the protein and fertilizer needs of our rural environment, and avoiding unnecessary consumption of fossil fuels. The international transport of raw materials, especially soybeans and cereals for animal feed production, is thus solved in a local and sustainable manner.


High quality food for the planet.

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High quality food for the planet.

Paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id suscipit ex. Suspendisse rhoncus laoreet purus quis elementum. Phasellus sed efficitur dolor, et ultricies sapien. Quisque fringilla sit amet dolor commodo efficitur. Aliquam et sem odio. In ullamcorper nisi nunc, et molestie ipsum iaculis sit amet.

High quality food for the planet.


Phoenix Foods fertilizers are natural and rich in minerals and N-P-K nutrients. Our fertilizers also provide organic matter and microelements necessary for good plant growth.


The state of the seas and oceans is a major challenge; while global fish stocks continue to decline due to overfishing, global demand for fish continues to increase. In response to this situation, aquaculture has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Insect-based feed is highly nutritious and rich in protein, making it a sustainable and high quality alternative for this industry.

Reptiles and birds

Phoenix Foods feeds provide the necessary nutrients for numerous reptile and bird species with very specific protein requirements. The nutrients provided by our insects are similar to what these species would consume in their natural habitats.


At Phoenix Foods, we offer a high quality natural alternative to traditional feedstuffs. Highly palatable and rich in nutrients, our feed will strengthen the health of pets thanks to its lauric acid and amino acid content.


Poultry naturally seeks out insects for food if they have the opportunity. However, this is not feasible in most poultry farms. Our flours and oils are a natural insect-based ingredient for poultry. They provide a sustainable protein source for broiler feed. In addition, its high calcium content is a vital element for laying hens, and stimulates both the health and growth of the birds.


Our insects are high in moisture, fat and protein with an amino acid profile suitable for inclusion in swine feed. Due to their high palatability and water content, they function as a transition feed between milk and concentrate, allowing piglets to gradually get used to eating solid feed. The addition of our proteic flours to the feed of adult pigs stimulates their immune system, providing a better barrier against diseases.


    Green and healthy

    Green and healthy